
  1. Deploy
    1. Deploy to GH Pages
    2. Deploy to a server


The process of deploying a static website with Stenope is quite straightforward.

  1. Build your assets (e.g: with Webpack Encore: npx encore production)
  2. Build your content with Stenope (APP_ENV=prod symfony console stenope:build)
  3. Upload the generated files from the build/ directory to your server.

Deploy to GH Pages

This starter kit already provides a Github workflow (.github/workflows/deploy.yaml) to deploy your static website to Github Pages. You can reuse it as is or adapt it to your needs.

You can even build a version of your site into a subdir to generate a preview for each of your PR. Have a look to how we generate a preview of the elao_ website for each of our PRs.

Deploy to a server

Deploying to a server is as simple as uploading the generated files from the build/ directory to your server, for instance using ssh/scp or rsync.

You can have a look to how we deploy the elao_ website to production.

Published on 11/09/2022 by Ogi